Description of BeReal APK
BeReal is the easiest photo-sharing software available, and it allows you to share a photo of your actual life with your friends once every day.
Everyone takes a snapshot within two minutes of the timer going off at a different time of day each day.
Take pictures and publish them quickly so you can keep up with what your friends are doing.
The one-of-a-kind BeReal camera is capable of snapping both a self-portrait as well as a standard picture at the same time.
You may find out what other people in your area are up to by making your BeReal public and sharing it with them.
The BeReal presents its own one-of-a-kind obstacle on certain days.
You can chat with all of your friend's BeReal pals by leaving comments on their profiles.
Respond to a BeReal posted by a friend with a RealMoji, which is your very own emoji representation.
Find out where your friends are in the world by looking at the BeReal photos they post.
You may access the archive of your past BeReal here.
When your friends respond to your BeReal with a widget, you can view their reactions right on your Home Screen.
You can respond with your RealMojis by using them as stickers in iMessage conversations.