Bouton Retour APK

download Bouton Retour APK for android 2024

2.3.3 For Android
Updated On:
6월 17, 2024
1.9 MB
Required Android:
Android 6.0+

On the large-screen phone, the function keys are located at the bottom of the screen; this could be dangerous for your fingertips. This is the reason the Back Key is included to help their usage. Your phone can be preserved with the Back Key should your function key be non-functional This software implements accessibility services.

Using the Accessibility Tool:

Assistive Touch-Back Button Basic functionality requires accessibility service permission. There will be no sensitive data or material on your screen accessed by the application. Moreover, the application will not be collecting or sharing accessibility service data to any parties.

Basic functionality requires accessibility service permission. There will be no sensitive data or material on your screen accessed by the application. Moreover, the application will not gather or share access to service data to third parties.

Making Advantage of the Accessibility Service:

Support Touch-Back Button Fundamental functionality needs accessibility service authorization to be activated. The application will not access any material on your screen or any sensitive data. Moreover, the programme does not gather or distribute any third party access to the data on accessibility services.

Fundamental functionality needs accessibility service authorization to be activated. The application will not access any material on your screen or any sensitive data. Moreover, the programme will not gather or distribute any third party access to the accessibility service data.

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