Rain Today APK

download Rain Today APK for android 2024

Version: For Android
Updated On:
jun. 23, 2023
16.3 MB
Required Android:
Android 5.0+

Description of Rain Today APK

RainToday is the premier private weather service in Europe, and as such, it offers real-time rain notifications as well as a high resolution radar. Both of these features are founded on the most recent technological advancements. RainToday will alert you in advance every time there is a chance of precipitation in the United Kingdom. Try it out for yourself!

  • Warnings of impending precipitation up to an hour in advance
  • A widget that displays the most recent warning for rain in your current location or one that you choose
  • Innovative user interface indicating when and from where precipitation will fall.
  • data of a high grade that is also displayed in a graph
  • Notifications through push, optionally based on the current location
  • radar with a high resolution and animation, including the forecast
  • Thanks to Apple Maps, you can zoom in extremely close and get a perfect bearing.

You will always have access to the most pertinent weather information up to an hour in advance when you use RainToday. An absolute necessity for anyone who spends a significant amount of time outside, be it for work, recreation, travel, or any other activity. By using RainToday, you can make sure that you will never be caught off guard by a downpour or a thunderstorm again.

Users will have a significantly improved watching experience with the Premium edition, which eliminates all advertisements.

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